About me
Hi, I'm Sage. I'm in fourth grade and go to school in Berrien County. I come to work at Promote Georgia almost everyday after school. Our team for Promote Georgia is called, "South Georgia Views." To make our webpage we had to use different software that was uploaded on to the computers that we used. These are the some of the software that we used, Microsoft Powerpoint, , Microsoft Word, Kidspiration2, Microsoft Paint , Hot Potaoes and Internet Explorer.
On Internet Explorer you could email, blog, research, look for images and much, much more.
Working on our webpage I, did research on the background of Georgia, made Hot potatoes' activities, and wrote personal stories about my experiences in South Georgia.
While working on the webpage I learned that you can't always get your way when you have to work with a team. I have learned lot's of things about South Georgia while working on the webpage.
Sage, it would be best if you were to edit this post and remove your last name.
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